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Re: training advice - help

I have to add having posted this email I then read the two replies I did actually recieve from Kat Swigart and Nancy at farafix - many thanks ladies for your replies I will post seperatly to you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tamara Jane Habberley
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: RC: training advice - help

I sent a post about wanting advice on training and conditioning and got precisly zipp replies , obviously the ommision of cats didnt help ;-)
so here goes again as I only resubscribed to ridecamp to benifit form the wealth of experience of posters from the states.
I am interested in any training advice from people who work full time and dont neccessarily live in a big open area to ride in.
I was interested to read Trueman and others comments in the ridecamp archies re. advanced training and the fact that most reccomended little long distance riding between competitions.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you all ride 20 miles per day every day, or o you do a mix of competitions, interval traning and schooling or what? Answers would be most welcome!

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