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RE: WEC and team stuff

Steph writes:
>Let's put our heads together and come up with some positive solutions.

How can we expect to win at a sport we do not play? WEC is a
team sport. We do not build teams to compete in Endurance. Our
competition builds only two parts of the Endurance team, the horse
and the rider. The other parts of the team (the coach, crews, moral,
history, equipment) are thrown together at the last minute, just for
WEC competition. Our expectations are high, but the strategy is

A better solution is for AERC to offer some support for Endurance
Teams. Then team will form and jell. In short order, new coaches,
crews, strategies will happen. We will select among many teams
for WEC completion rather than nominating individuals and

The resulting team to represent the US will be a proven, 
hard-bitten, chest bumping, in your face TEAM.


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