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biothane girths

Does anyone out there have experience with biothane girths?  My horse's
stomach is a mess because of fly allergy and chewing himself, literally.  He
has no withers, so girth has to be very tight, and still moves around on
him.  I'm looking for a girth or girth cover that will be the best for this
situation.  Need to ride and will have to ride bareback until I can get
current mess cleared up (reaction to "Pour-on" fly liquid to stomach has
made a real mess of things).   Any ideas?  I'm thinking of using a fleece
girth sleeve (use english saddle) reasoning that if saddle moves around it
won't be pulling the girth across the tender area (after it clears up) but
will allow the girth to move inside the sleeve.  Sound reasoning, better
sherry and hudson
ps. we are currently working with vet to clear up stomach and minimize
itching from exposure to flys.  hoping for an early first freeze...

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