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Re: RC: RC: Stallions

In a message dated 8/29/00 12:23:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< This is not a problem that I envision being unique to this fellow,
 but to just about any stallion. >>

So they say, but I have yet to ride a stallion where it is a problem, and 
I've ridden several.  Some HORSES (not just stallions) elevate their heart 
rates over trivial things more readily than others--I've seen many a gelding 
check in at 80 at the pre-ride check, simply worried over the strange 
surroundings.  If a stallion happens to be one of those horses, then the 
mares (or strange horses in general) simply provide one more stimulus over 
which to become excited.  Nothing scientific here, but my theory is that 
different individuals react differently about what is a stressor that causes 
adrenaline release.

As for managing stallions--the main thing is for it to be almost reflex that 
you keep them focused on YOU, rather than on what is going on around them.  
I've also found it easier to manage stallions who live in close proximity to 
mares at home and realize that it is no big deal most of the time.


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