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RC: trees

Barb Peck
Barb Peck

>Bob Morris said:
> One question for you. Every one is concerned about old growth 
> trees. If we had nothing but old growth, where would the new
> trees come from to replace the old ones as they die?
> And they do die from many non-man causes.

Without intervention from humans, 
Nature, by it's nature balances life, including trees. 
So we would NEVER have "nothing but old growth".
Anything that has managed to live for 300 to 500 years has
my respect.  And, furthermore, anything that has managed
to survive, that long,  should be allowed to die of natural causes, whether
that be lightning,  wind or water or fire. Not consumed by man
because of it's value.

If you can understand so fully about big money in endurance
and how a horse can just be the means to an end, why is it
this topic is such a stretch for you?
Or are you just playing devils advocate?


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