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[aussieendurance] Congratulations

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>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 02:43:16 +1000
>To: "Aussieendurance" <>
>From: Corey Nix <>
>Subject: [aussieendurance] Congratulations
>HI All,
>	What a job the Australian team did.  From my point of view it appears that 
>everything the team did was done with maturity and poise.  It seems that 
>while all the other countries were getting carried away we kept our head 
>and waited our turn.  I think the 39% completion rate was very bad for an 
>event of this standard and I hope non of the publicity catches on to this, 
>for the sake of our sport.
>	Megan that is a whip that you see in the picture of the winners 
>finishing.  FEI rules still allow the use of whips, Australia is trying to 
>get them removed though, along with the help of some other countries.  Not 
>long ago spurs were also allowed, but that is not the case anymore.  For 
>FEI rides in Australia you are not allowed to carry whips as it is an AERA 
>rule and hence would be outlined in the ride schedule.
>	I am going down to Vic State championships this weekend, if anybody from 
>the Sydney area is going down on the Friday with a spare seat I would 
>appreciate a lift.  I love to talk endurance, and I am not carrying much 
>	Corey Nix
>	0418 114306
>	02 99319625
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