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France News

Bad news, Darla Westlake's horse RamsZ, ridden by Marcia Smith could not
meet pulse parameter within the required time and is out at vet check
4.  Only two USA Team members left, so guess USA will again, not take
home a team Gold or any team medal.

Jan Worthington is running 4th or 5th on Brown R Timothy, Connie Walker
and Rita Swift are about 18th and 19th, with Stephanie Teeter and
Kruschev pulling up the rear in fine shape.

The French are excelling as individuals, but only have one rider in  the
top 20 who is on their team.  The UAE leads in team standings and Great
Britain is doing a bang-up job as well as the Australians.

Teddy Lancaster

IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!  We will be away from August 11 through September 1
at the World Endurance Championships In Compiegne, France.

1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, OH 45645 USA
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337

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