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Re: RC: Rest areas/ unloading livestock

> I've been told that it is illegal to unload horses at ANY rest area on
> ANY Interstate highway in ALL states.  I haven't checked the individual
> state laws to be sure, but I now always pull off the interstate to
> exercise the horses.  I'd be interested if there are states where
> unloading horses in a rest area on the interstate is permitted.
> John
So you BELIEVE everything you are told?  Try to find it in writing.

Teddy Lancaster

IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!  We will be away from August 11 through September 1
at the World Endurance Championships In Compiegne, France.
We will not be able to fill most of your orders during this period.
Ed will be at the office to help fill standard orders on a very limited

Hopefully, we will be able to access e-mail from France and post to
during this period to keep you updated.  Hopefully as well, we will be
to upload photos to our website so you may SEE part of this event.

American Endurance Ride Conference # 139422
- Member since 1974
6000+ career miles

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

-- Winston Churchill

Running Bear Farm, Inc.
Your Trail Riding Equipment Headquarters - Celebrating our 20th
Teddy Lancaster, President
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA  -
Webmaster for USA East website:
Moderator for the USA EAST mailing list:
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
Home of Khalarado+/ 1990 IAHA National Endurance Champion
- (1982 Chestnut CMK Stallion)
Supplying the WORLD with quality endurance equipment since 1980

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