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Re: RC: on fire

We're leasing about 200 acres---half in river pasture and the other half in
forest---in the middle of which sits our house! We are towards the end of
what is called the Nine Mile River Valley---Private ground along the valley
floor--surrounded by relatively steep, heavily timbered mountains...two of
the fires are coming up over the top of the mountains to the south---one
about six miles as the crow flies---the other about twenty miles to the the north we have a fire about five miles away---another higher up
on the north ridge...The wind picks up every after noon---sometimes out of
the southwest---today seemed to be coming from the north west----when the
winds come up the fires explode--looks like atomic bombs going off!...You
just can't imagine how many MAJOR fires are going on in Montana right
now--especially here in the western part of the state---then we get these
dry lightening storms at night--and when daylight comes it is too smokey for
any one to find the new fires---until the wind picks up and blows the smoke
away--but by then its too late and the new fires are raging!  The smoke has
been soo bad most of the time that the slurry planes and helicopters
carrying water can't get to the fires...we have one slurry plane dropping
retardant on our fires every few hours...I'm moving to Anartica when this is
all over---Hay might be a problem :o]

----- Original Message -----
From: Lif Strand <>
To: Sandy Bolinger <>; Ridecamp <>
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: RC: on fire

> Sandy - I'm sure sending good vibes your way - anti-fire vibes.  How much
> land do you have, how near are the fires?  Lif
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