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Re: RC: question on age

In a message dated 8/1/00 7:33:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Tevis has restricted the junior age to 12 or older.  None of the other 
 I have been to have restricted the age.  The youngest junior I ever took on 
 50 miler was 5 and we had a great time.  I would think that the rides could 
 make stricter rules if they wanted to but have not seen it done, other than 
 Maryben Stover

I think it is wise of Tevis to do so from what I've seen and heard of that 
particular trail. The thing that has me itching is the fact that NATRC has an 
age limit of 10 yrs.  You'd think if they want more riders they also would 
allow parents to use their own judgment. I enjoy endurance but would like to 
start the child on a slower more learning environment before the 'need for 
speed' kicks in. <g>
Jan, who has a young one coming on fast...

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