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Fwd: RC: Need advice on stifle injury!

In a message dated 7/31/00 7:16:02 AM Mountain Daylight Time, DVeritas writes:

<< In a message dated 7/31/00 6:54:47 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
 << An equine chiro found
  that the source of his problems appeared to be his right stifle >>
     That statement seems very nebulous to me.  I hesitate to believe that 
the "source of his problems" has actually been identified.
     Movement in the hock evincing in the stifle?
     Has a full-blown lameness workup been done?
     I hope you find the reason for your horse's pain.

---- Begin included message ----
In a message dated 7/31/00 6:54:47 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

<< An equine chiro found
 that the source of his problems appeared to be his right stifle >>

    That statement seems very nebulous to me.  I hesitate to believe that the 
"source of his problems" has actually been identified.
    Movement in the hock evincing in the stifle?
    Has a full-blown lameness workup been done?
    I hope you find the reason for your horse's pain.
---- End included message ----

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