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In a message dated 7/26/00 12:17:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< ow Tom,
 Are you putting me on? The only words that were familiar to me in this
 entire treatise is "horse" and "fat". While reading, I was trying very hard
 to comprehend but a little nagging voice kept poking me in the side
 saying"he's got to be toying with you. He can't really expect this to make
 sense to you or he would have written it in English, or Latin as the second
 best choice. But, no, he has chosen Greek.
 Pat >>

I didn't write it. Every month I plow through about 7,000 of these 
abstracts--please have pity. 

This concept is one of the many points made in that book I 
recommended--extended medium intensity exercise is what tunes the body to 
burn fat--not the feeding of fat. And that was the thrust of my 
"hypothesis"--presented a couple of weeks ago. And today my monthly database 
comes in and, lo and behold, here's a very convenient paper that tends to 
support the concept. Also, it makes me feel more comfortable about only 
allowing a month of fat loading in that protocol. 

In this group, as opposed to any other I've participated in, presenting the 
crass and jargon-filled science first prevents the inevitable howls of "CITE, 

Now, you have the rest of the story...


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