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RE: Re: Re: club foot

I've got a 4 yr old Arab that had a club foot until this spring.  I bought
him when he was 2 and he didn't have a club foot at that point.  Well, he
lived in a stall except for turn-out in an arena before I got him and was
fed from a feeder.  I put him on pasture and within a few months the club
foot popped up.  His previous owners didn't really like me saying that he
had one - it was mild, but still obvious if you looked.  I talked to people
who mentioned the scissoring stance and yep, that's what he did.  Well, this
past winter and spring I started doing my own farrier work (just trimming
obviously) and trimmed this guy to keep his heel down every 2 weeks or so.
Over the winter he went through a growth spurt and his neck got longer -
even his head grew, which I thought was surprising, but his halter no longer
fit.  Anyhow, by March-April no club foot!  And he no longer scissors - or
at least alternates better.

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