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1 more time... have you heard of

OK.  Last try.  Has anyone heard of or had a horse diagnosed with 
"hyperesthetic leukotrichia?"

My horse was diagnosed with this.  No known cause.  No known treatment..... 
just months of no riding.  I can't believe no one else has heard of this.  



Description:  Mature horses have developed single or multiple crusts on the 
dorsal midline from the withers to the tail; in very early stages of the 
disease vesicles might be observed. Lesions are very painful, and affected 
horses react strongly if the lesions are touched or even approached. A few 
weeks after onset of the crusts white hairs appear in the area(s) of the 
crusts, and pain and crust disappear over a 1-3 month period. The hair in the 
area is permanantly depigmented. In some horses there is regular recurrence 
of this disease (Fadok).  
Species:  Equine  
Signs:  Decreased hair pigment, Skin crusts, Skin pain , Skin scales, Skin 

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