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Re: RC: Up Hill or Down

 it remains a >dangerous >practice.>>

>is, the less the risk of injury and the higher the chance of winning. 
>And >according to you, winning is everything anyway, isn't it?

>From what I've seen, it is very difficult to be safe and win.  The
willingness to take the risk is  part of what seperates 1st from about
2nd thru 4th.  That's why it's not that big of a deal in my opinion to
win one race on a horse, but it's incredible to hear somebody has won
over and over.  I think they said Amir Nezraff with Nina Warren up won
about 15 out of 18 rides in one year?  Did I hear that right?  I knew
they were the winningest team in history until Muffin (did I get that
right?) I'll guarantee you, you don't get that record being "safe".  

She won the first Longstreet's Charge on Jedi in a race to the finish,
WIDE OPEN three horses wide, in the mud, narrow jeep trail, and when she
hit the curved hill (that I thought would give them plenty of room to get
their horses stopped) she said, "I'll bet I could have reach down and
scooped up some mud with my hand on that turn".  Yep, that was *the*
Jedi, risking it all, for 150 points and about a $20 prize.   Bet ya she
took the downhills a little fast that day too.



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