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Re: RC: Certified Weed Free Feed

Pam, this past January a woman trailering into Calif. from Washington
State -- down I-5 -- was stopped at the ag inspection station at the
Calif.  border and her hay was confiscated.    So the answer is yes, even
tho Calif. does not have a formal CWFF program in place yet, the hay can
be taken from you IF the border guard says so.  Others who came through
reported  that the border guards  never bothered to ask.   
    In 1995, when vesicular stomatitis was at its peak, I did Outlaw
Trail in Utah.   I had all sorts of vet certificates both going and for
the return trip.   Coming home, at the I-80 inspection station in Truckee
CA over the border from Nevada, the inspector was jumping up and down
about what sort of hay I had, tags, beetles, blah blah blah.   He did not
ask ONCE to see my vet clearances -- simply was not interested.  
Fortunately, I was almost  home and my hay, including the certified hay I
had bought in Utah,  had all been eaten.      Go figure.   Regards,  

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