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RC Kidney Failure Update... QUESTION

Barb Peck
Barb Peck

Laura wrote:
::I was also told to pull her salt block out of the pasture, because she 
::was getting too much potassium and calcium...a word to the wise here, perhaps 
::to those who use a mineral salt block.

What kind of mineral block do you use?
The red salt/trace mineral blocks we use
(made by CARGILL) doesn't even have any
Potassium Chloride in it.

I know this for sure, because a few months back I
requested the guaranteed analysis on the Red Salt Block.

If your mineral block doesn't have any potassium
chlorde in it, and you aren't supplementing with 
Mortons LITE salt (which is 1/2 sodium Chloride, 1/2
potassium Chloride).. then hmmmmmmmm I dunno, 
I'd call the clinic back.


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