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Running martingale/hackamore combo, was Broken ribs

   Yes, I've used a running martingale with a mechanical hackamore similar 
to the one you've described using.  That and dressage lessons/training 
emphasizing "long and low" and seeking/acceptance of the bit have 
fortunately helped me diffuse many potential panic attacks like the one you 
decribed.  Thank God that as we get older and often less willing to risk 
accidents, we also become wiser (like asking for input from others) and more 
skillful at preventing a lot of them!
   I've found that once a horse has become accustomed to lowering his head 
and keeping "on the bit" when asked to by his rider, any occasional sensing 
of the running martingale just reminds him to obey your request to lower his 
head and pay attention to the rider.
   You may have to use a snaffle for your initial dressage training 
(hackamores don't work as well for bending exercises), but the skills you 
and your horse develop will translate to the hackamore (which is often more 
effective at stopping than the snaffle).
   Longing in correctly adjusted sliding side-reins can also help in the 
beginning of the "long and low" training.
   Though a running martingale is usually not suggested for use with a 
leverage "bit", but I personally have used the running martingale/mechanical 
hackamore combination without ill effects on certain horses who did not go 
well in a snaffle at the time. Just make sure your curb strap is correctly 
adjusted (especially not too tight - the shanks of the hackamore should at 
least be able to move to a 45 degree angle to the mouth before the curb 
strap tightens), and that the rings of the martingale will reach to the 
horse's gullet (tighter will be too harsh, looser will be ineffective).

(Olympic Peninsula, State of Washington)

>From: "Carolyn Harris" <>
>Reply-To: <>
>To: "Nancy DuPont" <>, <>
>Subject: RC:  RE: Who Rides with Broken Ribs
>Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 16:26:09 -0400
>I too have broken ribs, & clavicle. Didn't"t ride for 4 weeks for the ribs,
>and 10 weeks for the clavicle.
>Last weekend on the NJTRA Bunny Hop we encountered two backpacking girls.
>The back packs were the over sized 1 foot above their heads variety.  When
>we spoke to them and asked them to please talk to us and maybe not move
>around to much, they took them off and dropped them to the ground without
>saying a word. Of course my mare was sure that they were bears dropping out
>of the trees and with head up, eyes rolled, did a 180 and gave me flying
>lessens again. I failed (again). and did a face plant in the sand. Thank
>goodness nothing broke this time. This was at the end of the ride and I 
>for sure she wasn't tired. I think that if I could have kept her head down
>it might not have been so traumatic/dramatic.  I have her in a hackamore,
>the kind with the flat cheeks and fleece noseband.(Don't know what you call
>it.) I am thinking of using a running martingale with it.  Has anyone out
>there used this combination and if so how does it work for you?
>Thanks for your help.
>Carolyn Harris
>Adil - Gosh Mom I'll get you some wings.
>Okie - I don't know what all the fuss is about.
>Blue - Wake me up when it's over
>   I need stories from all of you who have broken ribs in the past.  We all
>know that unless our Doctor rides horses they do not know as well as we 
>we can start to ride again.
>   Nancy DuPont, Executive Director
>   Heritage Trails
>   1350 Castle Rock Road
>   Walnut Creek, CA 94598
>   Our Mission: To preserve and protect trails and answer the question,
>"Where are you going to ride your horses, and where are you going to keep
>   Telephone (925)937-7661 FAX (925) 943-7431

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