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Re: RC: Fly repellant

All I can say is don't ever buy that stuff they use on cattle.  I was at the 
feed store years ago (when I was a complete idiot, not just part idiot like I 
am now) when I noticed that if I bought the cattle fly repellent I'd save 4 
bucks on a gallon.  I even asked the person if it was OK for horses, and she 
said, "Don't see why not."  Yea, right.

So I cross tied one of my horses, groomed him and then started spraying.  It 
only took a minute or two, and my horse just started freaking out.  And this 
is a guy who, normally, will not move, no matter what I do to him, while he 
is cross tied.  So I release him and off he goes.  Flying in my back yard.  
And I mean flying.  Rolling,  getting up, did a couple back flips,  and then 
running so fast I thought his ass was on fire.  I guess he did too.

I thought I had killed him.  I have never seen anything quite like the show 
he put on that day.  I'm thinking maybe I'll carry some of that spray with me 
(I still have the gallon, hidden in the back somewhere), so near the finish 
line at my next ride, when I'm right behind Angie and having trouble passing 
her, I'll just take out my cattle fly spray, squirt some on Dance's butt, and 
fly pass Kaboot's flank leaving Angie to wonder how my horse got so much dang 
energy there at the end.  Maybe I'll squirt a little on Angie, as I fly by 
her, just to see how humans react to it.


Howard (your friendly Florida tourist killer*)

* this phrase was written by Angie, and may not be copied, duplicated, 
reprinted without the written permission of Angie, who may be out of town 
when you try and get hold of her, performing her stand up comedy act in front 
of gelded males, sleepy cattle, howling coyotes and the occasional Grizzly, 
somewhere out there on the dusty endurance trail.  If you do notice that 
Howard and Truman are the same height, are never seen together at Ridecamp, 
and both ride gaited horses, this is purely coincidental and speculative on 
the part of Angie.  Cloning of humans is against the law in this country, and 
that trip Truman took to Mexico, many years ago, did not cause the creation 
of Howard, no matter what Angie says.

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