Upper Midwest Endurance & Competitive Rides Association

455 Moore Heights
Dubuque, Iowa 52001
Phone: 319-583-0194
Email: lriedel769@aol.com

1997 UMECRA Ride Calender


From: Louise Riedel, Secretary

The Upper Midwest Endurance and Competitive Rides Association (UMECRA) is a distance-riding organization which sanctions endurance and competitive events. In 1998 UMECRA will sanction 47 such events throughout the Midwest, and have added a five-day 250 miler--the Shore to Shore across Michigan.

An endurance ride is a test of horse condition and stamina, rider intelligence and horsemanship, and the team effort of both over cross country courses under veterinary supervision. The horse completing the trail in the shortest time wins; however, it must be "fit to continue" at the end of the ride or be disqualified. Most of our endurance rides are 50 miles in length, although there are a number of 100-mile-in-one-day rides, one two-day 150 mile ride and one 3-day 150 miler. There are also "limited distance" endurance rides of 25-35 miles.

Competitive rides are usually shorter in distance and are ridden in a set maximum and minimum time period, with speeds in the range of 5.5 to 7 miles per hour, depending on terrain and weather conditions. Most competitive rides are 25-3- miles in length, although there are some three-day 100 milers and others of varying lengths. Horses are scored by veterinarians on such parameters as pulse and respiration, soundness, degree of fatigue, attitude and manners. Horsemanship is not a judged factor. The horse with the highest score wins.

Most of our rides are on state or country trails, although some traverse private lands. Road riding is kept to a minimum. COME RIDE WITH US!